Category: WordPress courses

WordPress settings after installation – lesson 11

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In website development, everything is connected and no matter how much I would like to, but to make a completely step-by-step guide simply will not work physically. Here and now to get to the current lesson “wordpress settings” we needed basic skills, but...

Working with Users in WordPress - Tutorial 10


Users in the WordPress CMS are configured very flexibly, Unfortunately, not everything that I would like to have in this CMS, but over time you will learn how to make additional functionality yourself. Page with a list of users First thing...

Trying to install a set of plugins – Lesson 9

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Let's try to install the simplest Captcha plugin and figure out how to configure it. Go to the admin panel -> Plugins -> Add new Enter the name of the Captcha plugin in the search field and when you find it, install. So that you don't go wrong with...

Working with WordPress Plugins - Tutorial 8

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Let's read and understand the theory of what plugins are and what they are for. I think that this item will be the most interesting for novice webmasters, since this is where you can roam with the expansion of the CMS WordPress....

Working with Links in WordPress - Tutorial 5

Working with links in WordPress 0

In new versions of the CMS, working with links is disabled by default and to enable WordPresss links, you need to add a special filter to the functions.php file in your theme folder at /wp-content/themes/–theme name–/functions.php.

When links are enabled, we can...

Templates for WordPress
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