Connecting Styles, scripts and pictures WordPress – lesson 13

If you did everything right in the last lesson, then you most likely displayed data from the index.php file on the screen, but styles were not loaded. Now, after activating the template, I got this picture:

wordpress themplfte create курс по разработке шаблонов wordpress

The problem is, that our template has incorrect style and image addresses, let's fix this and put the appropriate functions in the right sections of code in the index.php file at the root of our theme.

Working with the template after connecting and activating

I don't know how you, but I had an extra piece of code and I deleted it, you'll do it right too, so that this area does not interfere with us.

Let's start adding features

Adding the function of specifying the page language to the tag <html>

<html <?php language_attributes(); ?>>

Between tags <title></title> paste the function like below.

This code should be pasted, even if you continue to use plugins to fill in the title and description.

Further, to make a general encoding for the blog, it is better to use this entry:

<meta charset=”<?php bloginfo( ‘charset’ ); ?>”>

Replacing our standard encoding from the template:

<meta http-equiv=”content-type” content=”text/html; charset=utf-8″ />

If the type of encoding does not suit you, you can expand it a little with the following entry. I would leave it like this, since our template had a similar view.

<meta http-equiv=”Content-Type” content=”<?php bloginfo(‘html_type’); ?>; charset=<?php bloginfo(‘charset’); ?>” />

Lines with keywords and description can be safely deleted, as on the site we will use special plugins. Delete lines:

Next, we need to specify the correct path to the script files, add a special function to the address of each script, which returns the address of the template folder. This is necessary if you suddenly change the name of the template folder, and we will need it in the future.

Change part of the template code:

For the following code:

Similarly, you need to include styles:

After setting up styles and scripts, your site should start to take on a human look..

wordpress themplate with include style - WordPress course, template development

It remains to correctly connect the pictures in the template, so that they are well displayed and do not spoil our appearance.

You can temporarily use the same function to customize pictures., which we used to include styles and scripts.

For a quick replacement, I used the notepad ++ program, as well as a tool search/replace.


img src=”images

Replaced with:

img src=”<?php echo bloginfo(‘template_url’); ?>/images

If everything was done right, you will have pictures after saving.

After these steps, my template looks like this:

wordpress create themplate - pattern making practice

Add to the code before the closing tag </head> function <?php wp_head(); ?>, this function serves as a label, it adds javascript and styles to the template if necessary, which are needed for CMS WordPress and plugins that you will install.

Also, the WordPress engine needs to add classes to the template code, which can later be used to style individual sections. To add these classes use the following code in your template:

<body <?php body_class( ); ?>>

The $class variable can contain additional classes that you yourself want to add.. More about the function can be read here.

An example of using a function with additional classes.

<body <?php body_class( ‘class-name’ ); ?>>

This lesson is over, further will be even more interesting.

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/* WordPress tutor
Online tutoring services. List of courses I teach
  • Basic web design course;
  • Site layout;
  • General course on CMS WordPress and continuation of the course on template development;
  • Website development in PHP.
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Nikolaenko Maxim

Director of web studies ProGrafika. I am developing, website design and promotion. Always glad to new blog readers and good clients.

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