Can I become a freelancer?

Read the questions carefully. Choose which answer option seems most preferable to you. Remember, or write down your choice. The scoring mechanism is given at the end of the test.

1. Is freelancing possible in your field of activity?? (you can check the list of freelance professions In here)
And) My work is just made for freelancing!
B) Yes, being a freelancer in my field is easy.
In) Being a freelancer in my field is quite difficult, but the possibility is still there.
G) Wonder!

2. Do you know how to organize your working day yourself?, without a boss?
And) I'm doing a great job without any guidance..
B) Yes, I need minimal control, because he disciplines me.
In) I need to be kicked in periodically., because I get distracted easily. Also, I can't always figure out the tasks..
G) I need constant monitoring, because otherwise I forget. Besides, I'm not well versed in my field and I constantly need advice.

3. How stress resistant you are?
And) Friends say about me "calm as an elephant".
B) In principle, I can worry about an important business., but I always keep myself in hand and easily recover in stress situations.
In) I can break down. A nervous customer or other trouble can me off..
G) I'm nervous and irritated by all sorts of trivia.. It's very hard for me to calm down..

4. Can you organize a completed project yourself??
And) Yes, It's easy, I am well versed in all the details and possible "pitfalls".
B) If someone will help me sometimes with advice, then I can handle it.
In) On your own – hardly. I can organize a separate section of work, perform one or more tasks.
G) Independently? I'm going to make a fuss here – no one will think much.!

5. Do you have any friends?, who are engaged in freelancing and who can be contacted for help and support?
And) Yes. I have all my friends "at large" and, if that, will be happy to help me.
B) I have a couple of familiar roots., who sits on "freelancing". Think, I can ask them for advice.
In) I don't know, you need to search. I can probably find someone.
G) I live and communicate in a deeply corporate world.. I don't have any acquaintances like that..

6. Your opinion about yourself as a specialist and your level of competence?
And) In my sphere, I am God.
B) I understand better than others in my field.
In) Something I know better, something worse, with outside help I can always find a solution.
G) I'm just getting started, and not at all confident in himself.

7. How easy it is for you to make contact with other people and make new acquaintances?
And) About! I love and know how to communicate with people. The number of my contacts is increasing every day. I easily create and penetrate into social networks. Now I have more than a thousand people in my network.
B) I'm not a fan, but I have new acquaintances quite often. I think I have approximately 300-500 Acquaintances.
In) I'm pretty hard going to contact. I am not a misanthrope, but I communicate quite a bit and with a narrow circle of people. It is unlikely that the number of my acquaintances is greater. 100.
G) It's hard for me to communicate. I try to avoid communication and any work by all means., which is related to this.

8. Can you accurately calculate, how long it will take you to do a particular job?
And) Yes. I know very well, what task takes how long. I know very well, what and for how long can I do.
B) I could be wrong, but make an approximate calculation in the state.
In) I'm pretty wrong.. If it takes a week to solve the problem, I might think, that it can be done in two days.
G) I have absolutely no idea, how long it can take me to have this or that activity.

9. Do you know how to get the job done in those timeframes?, who have outlined?
And) Yes, I always work very clearly on my schedule.
B) I can exit the schedule on 30-50%
In) I always rip off schedules, but still doing my job.
G) I'll rip off the schedule, and I won't do the work.

10. How well you control your "cash flow"?
And) I know very well, from what sources do I receive money. I know very well, where and for what purposes I spend them. I can easily increase my income or reduce expenses.
B) I roughly understand, how much and on what I earn. I roughly understand where and how much I spend. Tension occurs, but quite rarely.
In) I'm constantly having trouble with this.. I periodically fly into financial pits.
G) I don't control anything. Money doesn't like me. Persistent debts and accounts.

11. Do you know how to work in rush mode??
And) It's easy. In rush mode, my productivity increases significantly and I feel like a fish in the water..
B) I don't like it, but I can. When necessary, I can mobilize and give myself completely to the project and do everything on time..
In) Pretty bad. I'm still missing all deadlines..
G) I'm afraid of it.. If something urgent falls on me I get into a state of stupor and do not get out of it.

12. Can you pinpoint the highest priority for you for today??
And) Certainly. I perfectly understand my tasks for this week, day and even hour.
B) I have a pretty accurate idea, what do I need to do today.
In) To be honest, I don't know. Well, I probably know, and definitely not.
G) I'm a robot? What will be convenient, I'll do that..

For each answer A) feel free to add to yourself 15 Points;
For each answer B)
quietly plus 10 Points;
For each answer B)
add carefully 5 Points;
For each answer D)
don't bother you with counting: G) This is 0 Points.

Test Results:

If you have typed 200 points and more.
Count again. You, most likely a very good and creative person, but in mathematics clearly not strong.

195-160 Points.
You're just made for freelancing. You have all the necessary qualities, what a good freelancer needs. You know how to organize your activities completely independently, you adequately assess yourself and are able to find an approach to people.

155-90 Points.
You have several "pain" points and unnecessary habits, worth considering. But the main thing – you have all the qualities, in order to succeed in the field of freelancing. Of course, much will have to be mastered and much to get used to, but you can do it. You can arrange your life well by yourself, without the help of corporations. You'll get it..

85-30 Points.
Probably, you will be able to work freelance, but think about it – you need it? Freelancing has many advantages – freedom, independence, creation, high level of income. But there are also obvious disadvantages – risk, independence, the need to learn many new skills.

If you have typed 30 and less points.

You know, you and freelance concepts are opposite. You are much better suited to work in the civil service or in a corporation. Freelancing is hard, troublesome and unreliable. Let other people do it..


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