Freelance competition

In the office once found and sit, work until retirement. You can take sick leave, or just take off start. But in freelancing there is no labor code and no union. An employment contract is concluded between the customer and the freelancer, breaking which is easier than firing an office worker.
A good reserve can be lured away by other freelancers with a lower price and a beautiful portfolio, through friends...
In the case of an office, the boss can deprive the bonus, and in the case of freelancing, the reserve simply changes the artist. And it's hard to find a new sanctuary, since for each order, according to statistics from 10-40 freelancers. To get a project you have to be the best, however, over time you get used to it. The main thing is to always be confident in yourself and count, that you can offer a better job or better conditions, like the price or something, what is the reserve in your city. Even the payment system matters. If you see that someone is better than you, do not be offended and give up, need to catch up. "Standing still is like moving backwards".
The psychological problem of freelancing is, that when we lose a job or an employer, we give up, but even in such cases, the freelancer must rise and move on, and the next earnings will dispel your previous vague thoughts. Although it also happens that dishonest employers come across several in a row.
Freelancer must not think, why can't solve the problem, he must look for solutions to the problem. Do not look for reasons to refuse, and look for a way to solve the problems.


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