JQUERY animation libraries and scripts

Often, working with WordPress themes, i stumble upon animation, created with the help JavaScript Libraries. The most popular, about which I think most of those have heard, who visits this site jquery. The library is great but too popular to write about it one more of hundreds of thousands of times. I shift this idea to those readers who maintain their blogs. You can offer your links in the comments.

Except for herself jquery there are many more useful and unknown plugins written on this and other javascript libraries.

In this article, I do not want to make a detailed description of the work with each of the plugins.. Today there will be only an overview of that, what you can use now to develop your site themes.

First jquery pagin animate text. Total 5 types of animation.

To work with plug-in text animation, you need:

Libraries: jQuery , jQuery UI.
Supported Browsers: Firefox 3.x+, Google Chrome2.x+, IE8+, Safari5.x+

Анимация текста jquery javascript

An example of text animation and the plugin itself in the archive:



Great animation and all with CSS3. Animate page loading.

css3 loading


You can download here:



jAnialternative animation of pictures in jpeg format.

jAni – simple plugin for JQuery which allows you to animate background images. The plugin is basically an alternative GIF animations, but with several advantages and disadvantages.

Firstly, it's always better to use animated GIF Images, since this format is supported by all browsers without code JavaScript or additional markup, but the GIF format also has a major drawback in image quality. Animated GIF only allows you to work with 256 flowers, and you can't control the animation the way you want. jAni loads long vertical images, adds them to the background of the block and changes the background position at the speed you set, which gives you more control over the animation.

You can download here


jquery constant scrolling animation

For a long time there were disputes about how to make animation on the site correctly and before there was no better alternative than flash. With the advent JavaScript Libraries and new opportunities CSS3 everything has changed drastically. Now you do not need to connect a third party in the form flash player. I was always looking for how this kind of animation is done in premium templates, with constant scrolling of the background and moving the object around the site. Consider the excellent jQuery.spritely plugin.

jQuery.spritely animation using jquery

To use the library and view a demo of the plugin, go to the plugin's official website.

Plugin website




jquery parallax effect pluginA year ago I graduated from the university and created a website for them, in the header of the site I used the JParallax effect. At that time, I thought that the thing was cool and nothing like that would be invented for a long time. Recently, on the well-known Habrahabr, I found an article about this wonderful plugin with examples of its use and its various implementations in the form of other plugins. Consider everything that grew out of parallax and is often used in premium templates.

Plugins for creating parallax effects:

Parallax Tutorials (English)

Parallax Examples

For those who say that the article is dry, let me remind you that this is just a note for myself and maybe someone else will like it. If you have anything to add, write in the comments.

Nikolaenko Maxim

Director of web studies ProGrafika. I am developing, website design and promotion. Always glad to new blog readers and good clients.

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