Category: WordPress technical points

Passing Widget Content to WordPress Variable

From widget to variable 0

When developing plugins, it is sometimes necessary to output data from a widget to a variable. For example, this situation can be useful, if you want to display the widget inside the text or process the data from the widget before displaying it on the screen. I used...

wp-pagenavi responsive navigation in wordpress

responsive site navigation wordpress 0

I think everyone knows such a popular plugin as wp-pagenavi, who does not know this is a navigation plugin. Unfortunately, the plugin developers are in no hurry to make it adaptive., Responsive websites are playing a very important role these days., especially for search...

Update WordPress Manually

Update WordPress manually via ftp 0

Faced a problem on one bourgeois hosting, WordPress doesn't want to update at all, all in all, decided to try to update manually. From the instructions on, I made a backup of everything I could (Database, files) and proceeded...

Templates for WordPress
The best hosting in Ukraine
Stable hosting for Drupal